Burlington Transit Network Map Redesign ↗

Information Design & AODA-Compliance

Researching AODA Guidelines
• Visual contrast of colour between foreground and background features (contrast ratios)
• Objects should contrast with their surroundings
• E.g. Use a contrast ratio greater than 7:1 for text less than 7 points
•  Select color pairs that accommodates different types of color-blindness, e.g. Red and blue for red-green blindness
•  Use colours with strong contrast and supplemental visual variables such as shape and size
•  Symbology should be easily distinguishable from backgrounds and other symbols
•  Point, line, and area symbols should not imply a hierarchy unless intended
•  Sans serif is preferred over serif fonts
•  Italics should be limited
•  Generally, the higher the x-height in relation to a capital letter, the more legible the font is likely to be
Color Contrast Test
• Conducted color contrast tests on text and route elements of the original map, optimizing color selections to meet the minimum contrast ratios
Grayscale Test
• Conducted a grayscale test to evaluate the map's readability and visual hierarchy in monochrome, ensuring clarity and accessibility for users with monochromatic vision
Color Blindness Test
• Performed a color blindness test to ensure all map elements were distinguishable for users with varying types of color vision deficiencies
Final Map Design
• Redesigned original map using Adobe Illustrator from results in previous testing