Haru Journaling App ↗

UI/UX & Interactive Design

A journalling application inspired by the enchanting world of The Little Prince.
Mapping the User Flow Diagram in Miro
Encompasses 2 types of users
• A new user opening the app to create an account and start journaling
• A returning user who navigates from the opening page to logging in, then to the main journaling interface
Designed and sketched mood icons used for journalling entries in Procreate
Prototyped desktop and mobile log-in page and journaling page using Figma
Design Iteration
• Sketched a low-fidelity wireframe to visualize design
Final Design
App Features
• Spotify API: Link a "song of the day" to journal entries
• Mood Icons: Choose from five rose icons inspired by The Little Prince
• Image/Video Uploads
• Dark/Light Modes
• User-Friendly Interface: Optimized for both desktop and mobile